Vision Statement
Growing together to become more like Jesus for the glory of God.
Hephzibah Baptist Church exists for the purpose of becoming, and helping others become, more like Jesus. We commit ourselves to this pursuit through God’s grace, and hope to bear fruit for His glory in four key areas including, Worship, Relationship, Service, and Proclamation.
Worship is the awe-inspired, passionate reverence and love for the God who created us! It is a natural consequence of the committed believer, and demands our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. As we grow together to become more like Jesus, we believe in developing a lifestyle of worship that places God at the center of our lives.
The relationships we have with one another say a lot about our relationship with Almighty God! We believe by encouraging, supporting, and being the expression of grace to those around us, we can demonstrate the unmistakable characteristics of a follower of Jesus!
Jesus Christ was the ultimate servant! His timeless example compels us to use the spiritual gifts God has given us in the service of others. We believe this is a vital testimony in our walk with Jesus.
When Jesus hung on Calvary’s cross, His outstretched arms were not only bearing the weight of man’s sin, they were also embracing a fallen humanity. Central to becoming like Jesus is to trust alone in His provision for forgiveness and repent of our sin. We believe it is our duty to proclaim this truth in both word and deed.
Worship is the awe-inspired, passionate reverence and love for the God who created us! It is a natural consequence of the committed believer, and demands our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. As we grow together to become more like Jesus, we believe in developing a lifestyle of worship that places God at the center of our lives.
The relationships we have with one another say a lot about our relationship with Almighty God! We believe by encouraging, supporting, and being the expression of grace to those around us, we can demonstrate the unmistakable characteristics of a follower of Jesus!
Jesus Christ was the ultimate servant! His timeless example compels us to use the spiritual gifts God has given us in the service of others. We believe this is a vital testimony in our walk with Jesus.
When Jesus hung on Calvary’s cross, His outstretched arms were not only bearing the weight of man’s sin, they were also embracing a fallen humanity. Central to becoming like Jesus is to trust alone in His provision for forgiveness and repent of our sin. We believe it is our duty to proclaim this truth in both word and deed.
Covenant Statement
Believing that we have been redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit have accepted Him as our Savior, we solemnly covenant with each other that:
God enabling us, we will strive together in brotherly love for the promotion of His cause and the development of our Christian character. We will counsel and admonish one another as occasion may require, participating in each other's joys and endeavoring with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other's burdens and sorrows.
We will, by faithful attendance at the regular meetings of the church, sustain the public worship of Almighty God and will cheerfully contribute of our means, for missions at home and abroad, for all the various objects of Christian benevolence, for the maintenance of a faithful gospel ministry among us, and for the relief of those in need.
We will observe private and family devotions and endeavor to bring up those who may be under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We will, in our business and social relations, win others to Christ, striving at all times to live to the glory of God and to the service of our fellow men.
We moreover covenant that when we remove from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.
God enabling us, we will strive together in brotherly love for the promotion of His cause and the development of our Christian character. We will counsel and admonish one another as occasion may require, participating in each other's joys and endeavoring with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other's burdens and sorrows.
We will, by faithful attendance at the regular meetings of the church, sustain the public worship of Almighty God and will cheerfully contribute of our means, for missions at home and abroad, for all the various objects of Christian benevolence, for the maintenance of a faithful gospel ministry among us, and for the relief of those in need.
We will observe private and family devotions and endeavor to bring up those who may be under our care in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We will, in our business and social relations, win others to Christ, striving at all times to live to the glory of God and to the service of our fellow men.
We moreover covenant that when we remove from this place, we will as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word.